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On 2004-03-17 at 7:58 p.m., lynx86 said:

well,its official,i start tomorrow,at the cress steel company. i begin working at eight dollars an hour,and after three months i can get hired to the company permanently,which is a raise,then i can get another raise after another month,then a sixty day period after that,i can get another raise....i like the sound of this. also,after they hire a person,they gte dental and health benefits,along with a 401k plan. as well as 100 dollar savings bonds,and if i decide to do the 401k plan,the company matches the first 1200 bucks with a fifty percent match.which means up to six hundred bucks.....nice. also,(yes the list is longer)theyre going to license me for a lift,as well as night workers get an extra ten percent raise of their regular paycheck,and theres a decent mount of overtime.the savings bonds are a monthly incentive to be safe,as well as a yearly savings bond,if a year has passed safely for that employee. thats always grat,they liscense me tomorrow,so ive got to be there at 7 in the morning,but after that ive got to be there at 5 in the morning,everyday for the next three months. after those three months,if i get hired,they will try to accomadate me for a night position.the vice president(who interviewed me) seems to be not much older then me,and he runs a warehouse in pheonix as well. i think i see a career going here.....heck,if all this works out the way it seems it might,i may actually be able to buy and pay off a house by my 28th birthday...*sigh*ive got a while to wait it seems.. but heck,i can at least get ,me a decent car,that i can afford to get happy,oh well,all things in time i guess.. thank you lord,for the blessings you have bestown upon us all this day,and i thank you for the trilas you have begun to put me and my friends and family through at this time.thank you lord for all of this.

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