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On 2004-03-25 at 5:03 p.m., lynx86 said:

you know,ik geting pretty tired of being asked whyim not married,and ppl trying to set me up.....its kind of funny,but then again,its not....i dont know,i had a guy suggest that i marry a woman in the office,which was sort of funny,till he pretty much asks me what? you wouldnt like to have sex with her?thats the clean version for the most part........i declined,and earlier,i was asked why im not married yet,my only answer was that i didnt have a house yet,and got sugggested to date the girl in the office once again,gee,that gets annoying....but hey,what the heck,shes good looking at least,so they do have good taste,wouldnt date her anyways,shes mexican,wouldnt wanna date a woman that could beat the snot out of me so borderline with the texan,no thanx for the mexan dangit!!!!that was a purposeful typo my love,dont even begin to correct it.....LOL. ah well.

well for the most part today was pretty much uneventfull,except that my brakes are now deciding they want to grab and stall my vehicle,oh joy....

ah well,today was payday,so i picked up the parts,and will have the gentleman thats been around here of late install them for me,over the weekend.

so now i just have to last thru tommorow,and get my butt home,so i can stay home thru the weekend,lol. altho i suppose if i can stay home duing the weekend,i shoul be able to do it myself,lol,but heck,he needs the moolah anyways,and hes pretty kewl. he sings for a living! but hes also had it hard,he had an accident a while ago,and his wife left him. you see,he was paralyzed,from the neck down. the doctors told him hed never walk again,but the man is now walking,working,and singing again,he was so determined throughout his paralysis,that he was dragging himself on stage for performances..he is truly a work of god,to have come back to full mobility of his body...

id say he has much to be thankfull for,and he is very thankfull,as he used to work with elderly patients,and knows the struggles of the elderly,and paralyzed..a very good man...i thank you lord for bringing someone of such influence into my life lord,nd pray that i always remember this man and the struiggles hes seen.....

ah well,now i must go finish talking shop with my favorite real estate person...toodles!

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