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On 2005-02-14 at 3:49 a.m., lynx86 said:

well since there wasnt really anything notable that happened today,besides catching my mother finally,which will just get added in to another one,ill post a poem i wrote a while ago,lessee what the ole email bag yeilds....

ok,this is a two-part poem that was first written by hcatty, and the response is written by myself.what these two are about is a trip that hcatty took to california to visit me,and the emotions that were sifted thru whilst she was here...... here goes gentlemen and ladies, sit back relax,and open your minds,but just make sure you

brace yourself
I miss you!
I miss running my fingers thru your hair
Touching that spot of mine, behind your ear
I miss those little curls, just at the nape of your neck
I miss kissing you.
Reaching over, and touching your face.
I miss that little shock I feel, felt... to look over and see those incredible eyes.
I miss the breathless feeling I'd get
Waiting for you to lean a little closer,
Put your lips to mine
I miss that instant, between shiver and groan,
Just then, when the kiss goes deeper.
I miss pulling away, trying not to pull you closer.
Trying to breathe, but breathing too hard.
Staring at you, those eyes.
Feeling you shake, the tremble in your hands.
I miss that moment I kiss you again,
Softly, slowly, and again it goes deeper.
That feeling, when I lose my head
Thoughts, actions, emotions.
All centered on you, and the way your lips feel on mine.
I miss not knowing where I am, not caring.
Knowing only that I'm in your arms. Finally.
Oh, so sweetly, finally, in your arms.
I miss a hug. I miss a tug,
On my hair, on my heart.
I miss everything.
I miss being with you, near you.
Knowing I'm dear to you.
I wanna go back. I didn't turn back.
I should have.

and now for my rmbling response,considered only by poetic license a poem,

Re. brace yourself

I should have braced myself,for the emotions brought to mind and heart,thinking of kissing you,loving you,holding you in my arms,and being yours.Fully,irreplaceably,and totaly yours.There is no other shock alike,for it makes one think of a love that runs so deep,it is almost carnal in its thought.I think of all the times I struggled with myself,not to pull you closer,knowing if I did,there would be no help for either of us,yet also knowing you wanted the same.It was a hard thing,this not doing so,yet I know,that it was the right thing,and so I fought. I fought the thing I felt through out all of my body,the need to have you closer.I had you in my arms,after all that time,and yet,I wanted closer still,as the minds of two may entwine,and think the same thoughts,so our hearts entwined,having the same love.We felt the same tug,we fought the same urge,nay,the same natural instinct,that we had,from the moment we kissed,until the moment you left,and we won. We won the fight to hold back this love,this love that would have consumed us both,had we given in to it.The thoughts,the urges,the love,the scent of you,all of this blended to create this heart stopping urge to hold you closer still.It is somethoing that stirs up emotion,an emotion that makes one wish to go midway between a groan and a scream and a sigh,all at once.Yet, we hold back,we simply taste the sensations of each other,knowing that we have only a little time,so long,yet too short,for I had to let you go,and so my heart wishes to go deeper,with this kiss,this emphatical release of my love for you,and yet.......i hold back,for I know that if I do so,there is no stopping the outrushing of love to be shown.In the instant our lips touched,that first time,there was a flash,i did not know of anything but you,i could not remember actually kissing you,and yet,my mind screamed,I have touched her lips! and my mind would not let go of the thought that has ran thru my mind forever after,I truly love her,and she loves me! and so I kissed you again,and again,and again,then we went deeper,and it was never enough,I wanted to go deeper,and deeper still,until all I knew was you,this epitome of beauty,this epitome of everything I have known in my life,this love that I have wished for ever since I can remember.And yet,we hold back,not I,but both of us,for love is a shared experience,and both felt the same urges,this thing we held back,held within us,simply because we know we must.We held,with the dearest of thoughts,that we love each the other,and know that we will be together,yet again,some day.and so,I wait,my love,until the day I may allow that urge,thought,and love become the thing we know.I wait...until that day.............

well,hopefully that may inspire some ppl,especially the writer that i know,and have invited to come and read my diary.hehehe have fun ladies and gentlemen,and dont forget to brace yourself be4 having any serious conversations....

all copywrites,rights,phrases,and names are copywrite ofhcatty,and lynx86 repectively,any and all plaigurism can and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law....

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