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On 2005-02-21 at 2:34 a.m., lynx86 said:

well yet another day of nothing but work,other then tight muscles,and a decent workout this afternoon,so ill post another one of my ranting poems,enjoy,and critique if you like....

as the waves break around me,
i see the way life is.
we struggle to live,
in this world of hate and strife.
but to each of us we may see,
a piece of beauty,
where to others there is naught but light.
there,in our souls,
we feel at home,
to see the worlds beauty,
and live our lives as we feel it.
when i think of the sight of sunsets,
or clouds flowing across the sky,
all i can believe,
is that i will be a part of this vast kaleidascope,
this unbelievable thing of beauty,
that we call our world.
i watch in the forest,as a squirrell scampers for the uppermost branches of a tree,
and i feel as to fly with it.
i feel it is the way to another life,
one of freedom,
one of a livliehood that exists only to each as their own,
in it we may see only the love of our lives,souls,and surroundings,
for what are we,if we may not see this?
the answer is nothing,
for those that do not see beauty,may not be beautiful.
in their souls,they are as dark as the night sky,
without its stars,it is a vast darkness,unpierced by anything.
but,to those of us that may see the beauty,
it is a vastness of thought,unto each as they think it,
pierced only by the sounds of natures calls,
and they only make it all the more a work of art.
it is something that you come to wish,
that you could reflect into anothers mind,
that they may see the thoughts and sounds that you are living.
i live the wolfs howl,
the eagles scream,
the lions roar,
and most of all,i live the winds whisps...
as it whisps through and around the trees,your mind and body,
it will bring with it thoughts of a beauty seen only to the minds eye,
and if you allow it,it will show you the way to soar,
to run with the leopard,
to hunt as the beast,
to see through the eyes of a wolf,
and to truly,see the colors of the world.
for most,the colors of the world are greens,reds,and browns,
but to some,the colors are of a much deeper thing,
unexplainable by the human mouth and mind.
for they are a much more complex thing,
than the colors of the grass and dirt,
or the sights of the trees and waters. is the more to see,
the animals loping to pass each the other,
the waters rushing over the rocks in their race to the seas,
and the hills,flowing to the skys limits,
for they are what this world is made of,not the simple colors of the things around us.
the world is made of the sights,sounds, smells,and thoughts of the mind,
for we may see our lives and world as only we can,by simply looking to the innermost areas of ourselves.
in me,the sky flows with its waters of clouds,
the rivers run in their channels of sound,
the forests enclose a more beautiful thing,
and the wind will show us the way to see,
the more dramatic things than our own faces and words.
in this,only,am i satisfied,to think of the thoughts,
the images galloping through my mind,
the sounds showing the way,
and the scents as internal as the air we breathe.
there,only, am i free to see the beauty that may reside in this world.
for,the beauty exists not in our eyes,but in our minds and souls.
as i have now shown to you the beauty i see,
will you not show me the beauty that you may see,
by looking to yourself,
in your most secret places,
to the souls center?
i await your answer....

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