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On 2005-08-16 at 3:13 a.m., lynx86 said:

To see someone brought low, by the instants action,
or the moments notice,
makes one think of all the blessings in ones life...
It makes one grateful for all the things in ones life to love,
the things we take for granted,
love so dearly,
but never really realize the way we feel about...
It makes one th9ink back to home,
the smells, the sights, the feelings,
the things we never remember,
but always cherish...
And....surprised are we..
At the things we never even knew we cared for...
The people surrounding us, the times we�ve had, the seeming stranger,
a setting in life for a larger picture...
A setting for love, loss, anger joy, pain, or angst...
Never do we think the stranger of one day may become the love of another day..
Never do we think the times of pain may become times cherished,
never do we think the people surrounding us will one day come to control a small part of us...
Theirs for the taking are our feeling in some small part,
some piece that we may never control,
but give away many times over,
never realizing it as we do...
The thoughts to be had by realizing one brought low will one day appreciate the times that we now witness...
Tis interesting to think that we may never know the importance of you the stranger at one time in our lives who will one day become a friend who will control our very existence in some small way....
It certainly makes one think, doesn�t it?

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