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On 2005-08-16 at 3:11 a.m., lynx86 said:

ok ive decided to add some of my new writing here so tat i can a store it and b let you guys red it critique away!

death this thing of seeming permanence,
which to us all means a different thing...
Struggling thru the thought of ne�er seeing again,
the reality of losing a certain part of oneself,
the depth of feeling, or absence of it thereof,
which is the aftermath of death....
To some it is the end,
for some, it is a beginning,
for me, it is a reason to celebrate...
But........for most.....
�Tis a reason to mourn.
To mourn the loss of a friend so dear,
a classmate, or parent or family member,
which has affected our lives in some way, weather by presence or interaction,
the loss of feeling that was the existence of these relationships...
Tis a sad thing, not for the lost,
but for the left....
For they must struggle thru these feelings that they hold, and harbor to themselves...
They must begin their lives each and every day with the reality that they will follow the same fate....
They will one day, invariably, pass away......
The memories they must carry of this person, for the rest of their lives,
will at times take their own lives, in a way many cannot deal with any better then death itself.... each I must say,
realize not the idea of death, but the value of life, the things we hold dear, yet take for granted....
The joys that we see each and every day, but do not notice any more then the rustling of leaves....
I sit back and smile as we each pass away,
not for the death, but for the reminder that I, in my life, may learn and grow and remember...
Thanks to this person who in some way, large or small, has affected my own life.....

Tide In ~ Tide Out