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On 2005-08-16 at 2:38 a.m., lynx86 said:

well where to start. lifes been getting great. since the last entry,ive become taken again,(by a woman who spoils me rotten,ah life is great!)had a vacation in palm springs(with said girlfriend)and laughlin(with same) personally the whole thing sorta reminds me of the movie love stinks.....hmm,mebbe im nuts(hehehehe)my debts are getting paid,as well as my bills,and i have an interview in the morning for a job that pays quite well weere talking 1180 an hour starting.....i like! and most likely 40 a week too!
next month i head off to hawaii for a 8 day vacation,and family get together,i get to go see all the old chaps and yaps from my youth,much fun indeed...
havent heard too much from heather lately,im always up at Lisas house,so noone ever knows when im at shes a very jealous woman,so ive sorta lost contact with some ppl. but then again most of them never called me be4 anyways,so hell,let them wonder.
well i quit my job at the bar,the boss decided he wanted to be verbally abusive so i told him to quote unquote fuck off*bless me* and walked out,havent regretted it yet,and now i work for a place called sassy steer,with my friend Kami,as a cook.not too bad i make more an hour then at my last cooks job,and got a lil more room for improvment on the pay scale there at thatr job,but if accepted ill be moving over to Dietrich Industries instead.
i realy miss heather.... every time we talk now she seems to be in a bad mood,or be hiding something,so i never know whats going on in that head of hers.last time she was mad about me never calling her. kinda i was irked about her never calling me.....figures id just never been told about it,becsause my brother never tells me about calls i receive,including things about my detbs,and when they say its going to credit report.....gee,great for me...but i really wish we could go back to the way we used to be,but shes always wrapped up in her work so i never really get anything thru to her... makes me wonder sometimes was i really that bad? i dont really think so but heck who knows,mebbe ive slighted the female race in some way that ill never know because they never speak up about it to one of us males...but i digress,hopefully shell be able to drop these guards for next month,provided im able to make it out to san diego,which for me is a 2 hour drive there and a 2 hour drive back....makes me wonder about myself....why am i even considering this?i must be ludacris,especially when considering that shell prolly only be visitable for mebbe 30 mins....oh well those are the things we do for someone we care to convince her mother to let me come,ppl pray for me,cause from what i know her mother dont really like the idea of me too much(again,why?!??!???!?!?!?!??!???!!!!??
well im ranting,ill cathc you guys ogin to chat for a few,buh bye!

Tide In ~ Tide Out