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On 2005-10-27 at 1:22 p.m., lynx86 said:

grrr sory for the long wait my friends...but ive been so busy lately its been ridiculous.lets see,earlier in july i had a friend who came thru la,but was only there for an hour,so i couldnt drive out there for that,then in spet i had another friend come thru san diego,which i was able to attend,not once but twice....well,friend,love of my life,star crossed lover,whatever you wish to call her sure most all of you know the beautiful and acclaimed Hcatty.and who she is o me. well she came thru on the 18th os sept.,and i got off work,drove out to see her a coupla times,(each day be4 she left that then drove home. utterly exhausting,and that was a lot of fog on the freeways,at 6 in the morn.didnt help i was falling asleep at the wheel,but it was worth every moment of it. dont worry,i pulled off and napped for a coupla hours each day to pass the fog/sleepiness.well,shes just as beautilly gorgeous as she always was to me(and her sister!!! i may have to change infatuations!!!!!!hehehe*wink*)but ended up,we spent a few hours together,some talking,catching up,some just sitting there enjoying each others company,and some,well,having coffee,and a large order of cream.
well,i have to say im still just as much in love with that woman as always,but thank god i didnt have to deal with the empty spot in my stomache when i left this time. mebbe its easier to leave then be left?i dunno. i miss her even more then i ever did over these past few years now,but hey,for now its got to be this way.

well i went to hawaii for a family reunion on the 28th,and came bacjk the 7th. it was kinda cool,seeing ppl stare at me,when they realized who i was,what with te gain in size,and height,and change in looks since i left,i kinda got tired of the phrease "ho,he got tick!" which in english,means wow,he got large! i also got let in on the fact thsat my mother no longer thinks in Daryl's son,but instead the son of a man named Mike Brown,on account that i look more like him i guess. well,good times ahead brother is still blazin it up,gettin his butt in trouble by doing his figures. i almost got into a fight with my aunts son for disrespecting my mother,ive never had the largest of affinities for her,but hey,for some reason i seemed to actually care what he said to her. but anyways,he was speaking threateningly towards her,and i was ready t0o take his head off,to the point where i cussed him out and told him what he could do with himself,and socked a car instead of him. good times.i also got hit on a few times whilst there,that was cool too...anyways igotta run,new job and all,buh bye!

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