~ Hcatty ~ wuz ~ here ~ too... ~ Night Surf

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This Year


#%^# rant - 2005-12-18
hyello - 2005-11-08
catch up - 2005-10-27
why hello to you all. - 2005-09-01
catchup - 2005-08-24
adieu - 2005-08-16
for love of a woman - 2005-08-16
a womans love - 2005-08-16
so numb - 2005-08-16
one brought low - 2005-08-16
Death and other works - 2005-08-16
a long awaited rant - 2005-08-16
bills,missing her,and other shtuff - 2005-06-15
my prom encounter,UGH! - 2005-04-30
a ranting poem.... - 2005-02-21
grumble grumble grumble - 2005-02-20
poetry page #2..... - 2005-02-14
haircuts,cars,life.... - 2005-02-13
life since comcast - 2005-01-25
nope, I'm not Gene... - 2005-01-25